Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Question Authority with Dr. Peter Rost: AstraZeneca's pink cupcakes cause cat fight. According to John Mack.

Question Authority with Dr. Peter Rost: AstraZeneca's pink cupcakes cause cat fight. According to John Mack.
Check out the cool pictures on this posting. Those big Cats are awesome! This was an exciting and sad day for this old Black Cat. The blogging late into the night, was mistaken for a wild woman rage, my bad. But the content was valid. John Mack felt that Chris Truelove and I were battling out the Pink Cupcake Marketing. However, Chris and I agreed on more points than we disagreed. And she (and I think John Mack) are willing to listen to NON ranting, heart felt feedback on DTC and other PHARMA campaigns.

Also today, along a Rost-type plot, the job description for my replacement was placed, without telling me, and in the middle of negotiations. I only found out because the email was sent to me by my "pal." That is the way they announced my "resignation" from that position. Given, that I have not signed the letter of resignation, and that I was in on going talks, and that they SCREWED my staff (that is bad), and they have been sued for this very reason before.

You, John Mack, ended up laying down, and playing with me on my own level, just like the Husky dog in the aforementioned video below.


Anonymous said...

Black Kitty, good luck to you and I hope that things work out. Hopefully, this may turn out to be an opportunity in disguise.

Looking forward to more of your thoughts on the cupcake campaign later.

. said...

Thank you Chris. I hope to also discuss the DTC marketing issues. I can't get over how great that video clip was! Everyone thinks its so funny... yet ironically, so true.